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Am I a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

Tummy tucks, otherwise known as abdominoplasties, are procedures that remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen. Full abdominoplasties remove large amounts of loose and sagging fat from around the naval and lower pubic region, while mini abdominoplasties remove smaller areas of sagging skin around the lower abdomen (under the belly button).

During this tummy tucks, up to 50{932a8fa5ac1cfa9d7cdc20c846563fb8f434ff42d1e0d792fd4d62bc2b5e525e} of skin can be removed. This procedure is a great solution for people that are in a relatively healthy state, but are suffering from low self-confidence due to a sagging or bulging abdomen.

Ideal Candidates for Tummy Tucks

As with any surgery, tummy tucks carry their own set of risks and only qualified candidates should undergo this procedure. Each individual case varies, but generally candidates should follow the same set of guidelines in determining whether or not a tummy tuck is right for them.

  • Ideal candidates have fairly slim bodies with areas of loose fat and skin.
  • Female candidates should have already had children, and not plan on carrying anymore. While it is possible to carry another child, pregnancy can separate the newly tightened muscles and undo any changes made during surgery. This may result in the need for revision surgery later on.
  • Candidates should be non-smokers or be able to quit 6 weeks or more before surgery. Smoking delays the healing process and can lead to further medical complications.
  • Tummy tucks require anesthesia. Patients must be able to handle this medication as it makes any pain unnoticeable and surgeries forgotten.
  • Patients should not be extremely overweight or obese, as complications can develop during surgery.

Recovery After a Tummy Tuck

If you are a candidate for a tummy tuck, recovery typically takes about 4 weeks. Bed rest and limited physical activity should be expected for the first few days. Do not expect to be up-and-going immediately after surgery. Anti-biotics, pain medication, and support garments will be given to patients to promote healing.

Over the next couple of weeks your bruising, swelling, and soreness will eventually subside. Patients should ease back into their routine, daily activities slowly. Results are optimal after a recovery period of 6 months.

Contact Preserve your Pretty Skin and Body

If diet and exercise are not enough to get rid of excess weight, we can help. Contact the tummy tuck experts at Preserve your Pretty Skin and Body; we serve patients from all of the metro Atlanta area and beyond.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, fill out our online contact form or call our office at (678) 325-0006.

Posted on behalf of Preserve Your Pretty Skin & Body

10700 Medlock Bridge Road, Suite 104
Johns Creek, GA 30097

Phone: (678) 325-0006


Mon - Thurs: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Fri: 9:00am - 1:00pm

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10700 Medlock Bridge Road, Suite 104
Johns Creek, GA 30097

Office Hours:

Mon - Thurs: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Fri: 9:00am - 1:00pm

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