If you’ve noticed that your clear skin has taken a beating from summer activities, here are some tips to help. Dr. Myla believes in a holistic approach to skin care. Read over her top tips for summer skin below.
Tip #1: Use Sunscreen
Although it may seem unnecessary to say, one of the best ways to keep your skin healthy this summer is by using sunscreen. One common misconception about sunscreen is that the higher the number, for example SPF 30, equals a higher strength of protection which means that you can apply it less often.
However, no matter what SPF strength you have, you’ll need to reapply your sunscreen at least every two hours. Every time you sweat, get in water, or even touch your skin, especially your face, you are reducing the amount of sunscreen left on your skin.
Take care of your skin this summer and use sunscreen!
Tip #2: Always Exfoliate
After being outside in the hot weather, your skin will have taken a beating. It’s important to take the time, no more than once a week, to exfoliate your skin. By using products that will remove layers of dead skin and dirt from the surface of your skin, you’re renewing it and allowing it to breathe!
Dr. Myla carries an excellent line of skin care products in office – ZO Products. These products are designed to keep your skin healthy, no matter your lifestyle. Call the Preserve your Pretty Skin and Body team to try the products with Dr. Myla.
Tip #3: Stay Hydrated
One of the most important tips is to stay hydrated. Your skin is a direct reflection of how you’re treating your body, so be sure to drink lots of water. If you’re not fond of drinking water, try creating a fruit-infused water drink, or eat more foods that have a high concentration of water.
Both can be easy solutions to keeping your skin radiant for all your summer fun.
Keep Your Skin Healthy This Summer with Preserve your Pretty Skin and Body
Life doesn’t stop because the seasons change, so why should your skin care routine?
Contact us or stop by Preserve your Pretty Skin and Body, and visit our Medical Spa to revitalize your skin and purchase products to help sustain healthy skin year round.
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10700 Medlock Bridge Road, Suite 104
Johns Creek, GA 30097
Phone: (678) 325-0006
Email: info@ederrabella.com
Mon - Thurs: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Fri: 9:00am - 1:00pm